Month: May 2023

Summer Hill Rally good to go!

The Scottish Summer Hill Rally is confirmed and all set to run on 17th to 18th June 2023.

However, we would still like to see a few more entries! So here’s a little incentive for those already entered. If you can encourage another competitor who has not yet entered and they complete their entry form, pay and compete we will refund you £100. How you spend the £100 is up to you, you can put it towards fuel costs for the event, treat your service crew or split the £100 with the competitor you encouraged to enter!

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful Scottish Borders in June!

Sponsors A-Z – ADVANTAGE

Advantage has over 25 years of experience in supplying the
automotive market. Our experience is in supplying a wide range
of companies within this sector. We are happy to develop and
manufacture components in relatively low volumes. Our
company has a proven history of developing bespoke solutions.
For example, we have developed windscreen washer systems for
highly specialised vehicles, particularly when lack of space and
the need to keep weight to a minimum have been of prime
importance. In 2005, ten of the fastest cars on the planet used
windscreen wash and wipe systems developed by us so we can
say we have proven track record. We work with design
consultancies, rapid prototypes and end customers to ensure a
high quality end product . We have access to a number of
toolmakers (UK based and off shore) to translate product
concepts into a moulding. We also produce top quality short run
blow moulded products for a number of industries and provide
water treatment chemicals primarily for the automotive industry.

Thank you for your support of the Scottish Summer Hill Rally!